About Us

The Power of Presence

Your body is present but is your mind? ATHA in Sanskrit translates to "now" or "present moment".  As a child you lived in the present.  You laughed and cried and experienced life as it unfolded because everything was new to you.  You were taught at a young age to think of the consequences or to think before you acted and you trained your mind out of the present moment to keep you safe.  But now it has taken over. Yoga is about bringing an awareness to the wandering mind by connecting to the movement of the body.  If we can see yoga first as a practice of the mind the body will follow into a state of health and healing.

The Pillars of A.T.H.A.

  • Authenticity

    It is all about how you show up to the mat. Embrace who you are, both in your practice and beyond it. There’s no need to “fake it until you make it” or become someone else. Show up as your true self and practice in a way that resonates with you. Let your passion and inspiration guide you, allowing your yoga journey to reflect who you genuinely are.

  • Transformative

    You are not just learning poses. You are here to witness and feel what is happening in your body. Explore aspects of the practice that resonate with you, whether it’s anatomy, yoga philosophy, meditation, or breathwork. Go beyond the physical postures to cultivate a deeper awareness of what Yoga truly is and how it connects your mind, body, and spirit.

  • Harmony

    We strive for harmony in mind, body, and breath. As you practice, focus on connecting all elements of your mind and body to the poses. Recognize that creating harmony within yourself—physically, mentally, and through your breath—is the foundation of your practice. Start with inner balance, and allow it to guide your journey on and off the mat.

  • Awareness

    Be mindful that every moment on the mat is an opportunity for growth. Stay present with yourself, noticing how you move, breathe, and feel in each pose. Honor your practice by being fully aware of your body’s needs, creating space for ease and balance. Allow this to guide you, helping you connect more deeply with all aspects of your yoga journey.

“The nature of yoga is to shine the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body.”

Embrace every moment as a new beginning